We're back after May!
Although we are still living with yesterday's victory of Darek Nożyński in the...
Global Prospect official fuel supplier to Yamaha Racing for MotoGP
Freight forwarder Mariusz from the Suwałki branch has become the official...
Gala des mécènes du sport de Bydgoszcz
Yesterday, the Patrons of Bydgoszcz Sport Gala was held, at which our company was...
Global Prospect Kinder Ball - the best fun for your child!
Bydgoszcz was alive with Global Prospect's Kinderball on Saturday!Our office was...
As part of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity 2024
As part of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity 2024 an artist of the young...
The 2024 World Table Tennis Championships presented by Global Prospect are over!...
The premiere of the film Four Armoured and a Dog!
Greyhound, Gustlik, Janek, Olgierd and Grigory join the action!This is the full...
Trailer for new film for "Noble Parcel"
We are back with another blockbuster film for the Noble Parcel campaign from Global...
Roof unloading in the centre of Paris
Paris belongs to us!Last Friday, driver Martin arrived in the centre of Paris...
Christmas Elves wrap presents!
Our elves are busy putting together Christmas packages for some of our best and most...
Transport of tractor unit from France to Poland
Global Prospect is not only about express cargo deliveries with vehicles up to 3.5...
And there we have it!
And there we have it!A report from the Mogilno run-off with Global Prospect for...
Rozbiegane Mogilno with Global Prospect - photoralisation
The dust has not yet settled after Sunday's race! The Running's Mogilno with Global...
Run Mogilno with Global Prospect 1.10.2023!
We are proud to present to you the National Street Run at distances of 5 and 10...
Mornings can be lovely!
It was a beautiful sight to see yesterday morning. Some of our buses were lined up...
Video from Global Camp - canoeing 2023!
What a story!That's the first thing that comes to mind after watching the Global...
Photos from Global Camp - canoeing 2023!
Every one of our events is different. Each one brings with it many memories that...
We have been awarded the Trustworthy Company Certificate!
Another certificate for our company!We have received the Certificate -...
Airport delivery for the French Gendarmerie.
Departure Monday from Global Prospect. We are at the Rennes airport, where we...
Global Camp - canoeing 2023
Summer is warm, the trip is readyA fun canoe trip is getting ready.Everyone...
Express delivery on a Super Yacht in Croatia
We're having a grazing Friday!1500km of road, 4 countries and a grazing...
Visit of our branch in Suwałki
Podlasie is not sleeping today,Greetings from the best team in...
Video coverage of the struggles during the Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon 2023!
Our video from the Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon 2023 is here!2 days of weekend...
Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon 2023
Catch the still hot photos from the Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon from us!An event...
The season of music festivals begins!
We declare the summer festival season open!Our weekend delivery of Coca-Cola...
Meeting with the Ambassador of France in Poland!
Today, Ambassador Frédéric Billet took part with the winner of the Great Orchestra...
Official transport to the Champions League final in Istanbul.
Hit from Global Prospect!On Saturday the big event for all footballu fans around...
Suwałki branch - Edyta's return after maternity leave!
To celebrate Children's Day, Edytka returned to us today! And in fact she has...
Video report from Globalkart part II
Hot tyres, fast times and plenty of excitement - this is how the Global Staff...
Globalkart part II
Aaaaaaaaand there was excitement!We go back to Wednesday's Globalkart event,...
We're taking delivery of new vans!
We picked up brand new pieces, as they say. Now branding, some extras and off we...
Mission Sans Faute
A beautiful weekend route was made possible by shipper Hubert!Express overnight...
Busy May weekend
Although we had a busy May weekend, we didn't slow down at the end of the...
Visible from afar!
Over 45 metres high hangs our logo, flashed from the roof of the Arkada Business...
Summit meeting - Global Prospect CEO Łukasz Błaszak and NBP President Prof. Adam Glapiński
A very warm welcome to you, Mr President.We are very pleased to host Professor...
Monday on the Azure coast
How we love Mondays!Because there are always lots of interesting things going on...
King of the sunset!
In a coastal climate, our Renault Master bathed in sunset....
We are counting down the time until our next go-kart outing!
Well, we're back after the holidays!We have a lot of work to do, but we are...
Enea Bydgoszcz Indoor Triathlon
We start Saturday with the Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon under the Astoria Bydgoszcz...
GLOBALOVE BECIKOWE!We were visited today by newly mum Alicia with her daughter...
Global Prospect Cup III - Easter Edition
Global Prospect Cup III - Easter Edition tournament tomorrow.Another 3rd edition...
Visit to Andorra
Andorra is a European country where we have not been for some time. But things are...
Memories before the Global Prospect Cup III - Easter Edition tournament
Ahhh, it brought a tear to my eye!2 years ago we took part in a six-a-side...
Delivery of water tanks in the foothills of the Pyrenees
We start the day with the delivery of water tanks to the Grand Hotel Moderne in...
Loading at Sodel
Normandy a beautiful and historic region of France where Sodel, a company...
Delivery of kitchen units for the new Burger King chain restaurant!
Burger Monday with Burger King!Today, we delivered kitchen fittings to a newly...
Logistical support for the Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon event
Logistical support for the organisation of such a large event as the Enea Bydgoszcz...
Spring is coming!
Spring is coming, we can already feel it, so we are preparing something special for...
The Global Prospect family has grown!
Our Global family has grown, and we are not talking about new specialists in our...
Transport for the French Institut de Soudure Groupe
France's Institut de Soudure Groupe is a solutions provider for a safe and...
Visit to the Suwałki branch of Global Prospect
We start the week with a visit to our Suwałki branchThe weather, as is well...
Ready for Valentine's Day!
Clean and ready for Valentine's Day!...
Delivery of the machine to Google's headquarters in Paris!
The delivery of a very modern water machine with bio elements from NUNN, a ...
Winter holidays in the Alps!
Beautiful Alpine views, lots of snow..., you can only dream of such a winter!But...
31st Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
Orchestra, play for us for as long as possible !Yesterday, we were once again...
Conquer the peaks of the French Alps!
One of our cars makes a delivery to beautiful Paris, just in time for a spot with a...
The Côte d'Azur - beautiful even in January!
We are on the Côte d'Azur, where the weather is spoiling even in January. We have a...
Elstal - transport support for a company from our region
Global Prospect does not live by buses alone!Today we supported Elstal, a...
Completion of the year 2022
We ended the previous year with a bang! Our video of us taking part in the 'Noble...
Video coverage of the Global Prospect 2022 Christmas Eve dinner
"And again a sleepless night...", that's what the Highland Band of Zbóje, folkloric...
Global Prospect 2022 Christmas Eve Dinner
There is a day during the year when we all sit down to dinner together, where all...
Mega Hit - Hollywood production of Global Prospect's series entitled. "The Noble Parcel"
Global Prospect is proud to present to you the Hollywood production of the series...
A week full of challenges
We have a challenging week ahead of us. Our vehicles traverse the mountains and...
Today became a real weekend of miracles!
Our wonderful Global Prospect team took part in the "Noble Parcel" campaign!You...
This is how we start the weekend!
Our driver Michal, whom we warmly greet, sent us photos of the morning loading in...
Opening of the second Global Prospect office in Bydgoszcz!
Global Prospect is not resting on its laurels. The leading position obliges, there...
We are shooting something new!
Tuesday under the sign of filming!Together with Marcin Zaborowski, we are...
Karolina is celebrating her birthday!
Karolina is celebrating her birthday today!Her personal charm, commitment and...
Thursday's express from Global Prospect!
Thursday's express from Global Prospect!Straight from Alicante in Spain, we were...
New truck, new logo, new challenges!
New truck, new logo!See you...
Office opening and unveiling of new Global Prospect logo
The dust has not yet had time to settle after such a lavish office opening. On the...
A boss's dream come true
Our boss's dream has come true. The Global Prospect fleet vehicle arrived with its...
The Beast from the Alps
Photo showing a beast inhabiting the French part of the Alps.Voted photo of the...
Hubert's birthday
Hubert, our smiling little face from Suwałki, is today's jubilarian!Although he...
Boys' day
Boy's Day is celebrated in Poland on 30 September. It is a holiday for all...
Visiting client from the Netherlands before the match
Today, on our way to the national stadium, we were visited by Danny, a client from...
Our Kalina
Hello, it's me...Like Adele our Kalinka when she picks up the phone it's all...
We took delivery of a new car!
The Global event is not the only thing we live by!We're going hard and today we...
Video from Global Prospect's 4th Summer Event entitled. "Nobles have fun".
Oto on, filmik z naszego weekendu!Najszlachetniejszy , najbardziej zadziorny,...
Photo report from Global Prospect's 4th Summer Event entitled. "Nobles have fun".
"Nobles have fun" or the 4th edition of Global Prospect's summer event is behind...
Polish firefighters come to the aid of France
Oh this is a beautiful example of Polish-French cooperation, and this time it's not...
Beautiful views - through the eyes of our drivers
With views like this we start the weekend!Our drivers work very hard to deliver...
Unloading rollercoaster components
Such is our Monday climate. Here is the northern part of Italy, in close proximity...
FIFA 2022 tournament
Today after work, the male part of our team decided to play a tournament in FIFA...
Video report from Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon - Global Prospect Team
Listen, Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon 2022 is a special event for us! We participated as...
Day 2 of Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon 10.07.2022
Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon 2022 is behind us!Thank you to the citizens of...
Day 1 of Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon 9.07.2022
The first day of emotions during the Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon is behind us!Our...
Eighth Antoni Nawrocki Street Run in Solec Kujawski
The 8th Antoni Nawrocki Street Run in Solec Kujawski, which took place yesterday,...
Global Prospect - patron of Bydgoszcz sporting events
We have just received the title of Patron of Bydgoszcz Sporting Events 2020 - 2021...
Wednesday outing
Wednesday out! Our drivers are...
Global Prospect's 4th Summer event entitled Nobles have fun!
The 4th edition of the summer company event "Nobility is having fun" is already...
Globalkart - employee rivalry
GLOBALKARTThe official video of our team's karting competition at the Bydgoszcz...
Official summary of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
We have officially received the amount collected during the recent 30th finale of...
Transport by ferry
We have carried out a transport from Italy to France, but what is so strange about...
The Forbes article is a credit to our employees
The fact that we have been featured in the latest issue of ...
We were described in Forbes Poland
We can officially boast that our company has been featured in the latest issue...
Loading at a regular customer's premises
Height, width or length are parameters we deal with every day....